Kamis, 05 Desember 2019

Choice of vitamins for babies and their functions

Vitamins are one type of nutrition that is very important for babies. There are many vitamins for babies that can be given to Little. Each type of vitamin has its own role and function in maintaining the health of the baby and supporting growth and development. In its first year, babies experience a period of rapid growth and development. In the first 6 months, babies get their main nutritional intake from breast milk. After 6 months of age and can already eat solid food (MPASI), your child will need a lot of nutrients, one of which is a variety of vitamins for babies. The function of this vitamin is no less important than the intake of other nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, and minerals.

Various Types of Vitamins to Support Baby's Health and Growth

To ensure that the baby's health and growth are still good, he needs to get the following vitamins:

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is useful to support the baby's immune system and maintain healthy skin, hair and eyes. Infants aged 0-6 months need about 370 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin A per day, while infants aged 6 months to 3 years old need about 400 mcg of vitamin A per day. Vitamins for babies are naturally contained in several types of food, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, egg yolks, spinach, broccoli, chicken liver, fish, fish oil, and beef liver.

2. Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps the body convert food into energy needed for growth, development, and function of the baby's body cells, especially nerve cells. Babies need about 0.3 milligrams (mg) of vitamin B1 every day. This vitamin is naturally found in rice, beef, beef liver, chicken, fish, beans, and seeds. Some cereal products or baby food have also been fortified with vitamin B1.

3. Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helps the body use energy and protects cells from damage. This vitamin is also good for the health of the baby's eyes, skin and nervous system. Babies are advised to consume about 0.3 mg of vitamin B2 every day. Some foods that contain lots of vitamin B2 are milk, beef, eggs, and vegetables

4. Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 (niacin) is needed by the body to convert protein and fat into energy. This vitamin is also good for skin health and nervous system. Babies need about 2-4 mg of vitamin B3 intake every day. Chicken or fish liver, fish, mushrooms, avocados, potatoes, and peas are sources of vitamin B3 intake that can be added to your baby's diet.

5. Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine plays a role in maintaining a healthy brain and immune system. Babies need about 0.1-0.3 mg of vitamin B6 every day. This vitamin is naturally found in chicken, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and milk.

6. Vitamin B9

Folate or vitamin B9 is a type of vitamin that is very important for baby's health. Adequate folate intake from the womb can reduce the risk of babies born with disabilities. After the baby is born, vitamins for this baby play an important role in forming red blood cells and the baby's immune system, and preventing anemia. Babies need a folate intake of 65-80 mcg each day. This vitamin can be obtained from spinach, broccoli, beans, corn, avocados, and eggs. Some types of milk and baby cereals have also been fortified with folic acid.

7. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 or cobalamine serves to maintain nerve cells and blood to stay healthy, and make DNA which is genetic material in each cell. Babies need 0.4-0.5 micrograms of vitamin B12 every day. Vitamin B12 intake can be obtained by consuming eggs, beef, cheese, milk, and fish.

8. Vitamin C

Vitamin C protects the body against infections, helps the body absorb iron, builds bones and muscles, and helps heal wounds. Infants need 40-50 mg of vitamin C per day. This vitamin is naturally found in fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, papaya, strawberries, kiwi, mango, guava, cauliflower, potatoes, and broccoli.

9. Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium from food and strengthen bones and teeth. The recommended dose of vitamin D that needs to be fulfilled for babies every day is around 5 mcg. Vitamin D can be obtained through basking in the morning sun and consuming foods rich in vitamin D, such as beef or beef liver, egg yolks, fish, soy milk, and cereals or fortified vitamins vitamin D.

10. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is responsible for protecting cells from damage, strengthening the immune system, and is good for skin and eye health. Babies need about 4-5 mg of vitamin E every day. Avocados, mangoes, kiwis, and vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli, are good sources of vitamin E for your baby.

11. Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps the process of blood clotting and accelerates the process of wound healing. Babies need about 5-10 mcg of vitamin K every day. Vitamins for babies can be found in spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, fish, liver, meat, and eggs. The need for vitamins for babies can generally be met if he gets a nutritious and diverse MPASI. But if needed, you can also provide vitamin supplements to your child. However, Mother needs to consult first with the pediatrician, so that the types and dosages of supplements given in accordance with the needs of your child.

This List Of Worm Medication For Children That Are Safe For Consumption

Worms often attack children. Many worm medicines for children are sold freely. However, Mother needs to know what kind of worm medicine is safe to give to Little One. Worm infections or intestinal worms are caused by eggs or parasitic worm larvae that enter the body through the mouth or skin pores. Transmission can occur when your child enters a dirty object that contains larvae or worm eggs in the mouth when playing or does not wash hands thoroughly after doing activities outside the home or before eating. Not only that, eggs and larvae of worms can also enter the body when your child consumes food that is not clean, such as vegetables or fruits that are not washed. When in the body, worm larvae breed and live by taking nutrients from the body of the Little One.

Worm Symptoms and Effects

Worm infections in children are usually characterized by the following symptoms:
  • Indigestion, such as nausea, vomiting, and stomach ache.
  • Weight loss.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Rashes, itching, and pain around the anus appear.
  • Hard to sleep.
  • Fever.
  • Cough.
However, if the infection is severe enough, children with intestinal worms can experience vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, and bloody bowel movements. Sometimes worms can also come out when a child defecates. If not treated immediately, helminth infections can cause digestive problems and disruption of nutrient absorption. This condition can cause various complications, such as malnutrition, low body weight, weak immune system, and anemia. Not only that, worm infections can also adversely affect the growth and development of children, as well as affect learning abilities and cognitive functions.

Worm Medication for Children

  • Albendazole

  • This worm medicine is used to treat tapeworm infections. Albendazole should not be given to children who are allergic to this type of drug. Pregnant women are also not recommended to take this drug.
  • Levamisole

  • Levamisole worm medicine is effective for treating pinworm, roundworm and whipworm infections. However, this worm medicine is less effective in treating hookworm infections.
  • Pirantel

  • Pirantel is used to treat pinworm and roundworm infections. Pirantel should not be given to children who have liver problems or are allergic to this drug. Pirantel is also not recommended for nursing mothers and children under the age of two years, except on doctor's instructions.
  • Mebendazole

  • Mebendazole is used to treat roundworm, whipworm and hookworm infections. Mebendazole is not recommended for children under two years old.
  • Ivermectin

  • Ivermectin is a type of worm medicine that can eradicate worms in the digestive tract of children, such as roundworms. In addition to treating intestinal worms, this drug can also be used to eradicate lice and treat ringworm.
When giving worm medicine to children, make sure you have read and followed the instructions for use that are printed on the packaging of the drug. Just like other drugs, worm medicines for children also have side effects. Worm medicine side effects can include nausea, abdominal pain, to drug allergic reactions. Therefore, consult your pediatrician if your child shows symptoms of side effects or allergies after giving worm medicine. In addition to consuming worm medicines, worm infections can also be prevented by keeping the house clean and the environment around children, including children's toys, sheets, and toilets. Don't let your child do activities in a dirty environment, for example playing in puddles or soil, without wearing footwear. Don't forget to get children to wash their hands before eating. Trim your child's nails regularly, because the nail gap can be a place for worm eggs and larvae to develop. In addition, consume bottled or boiled water, cook the meat until it is completely cooked and wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption, to prevent transmission of worms.

Come, Get to Know Canine Teeth and How to Take Care of it

When you smile and look in the mirror, you will realize that there are some teeth that have shapes like animal fangs or spearheads. Yep, those are canines. With a pointed shape, canine teeth function to tear and destroy food. Teeth are the hardest part of the human body. Based on tooth anatomy and type, there are various types of teeth, namely incisors, canines, molars, and premolar teeth. Each type of tooth has its own characteristics, shape, and function. Each adult normally has a total of 32 teeth, consisting of 12 molars, 8 premolar teeth, 4 canines, and 8 incisors. Just like adults, children also have 4 canines. It's just that the time will come when their baby teeth will come off and change into permanent teeth. Normally, children's canines will change into permanent canines when they reach the age of 11-13 years.

Know What Canine Teeth And Its Functions

In contrast to incisors which are used for cutting or molars to pulverize food, canines function to tear or tear food. With tooth roots reaching the jawbone, canines also have greater strength than incisors. Therefore, when there is a disruption in canines, such as canines that grow in the wrong position, abnormalities in shape and size, or even not grow at all, then it is likely that it will make you have difficulty chewing food or even talk. The emergence of these disorders can be caused by many things, ranging from heredity, interference with the jaw tissue, or the date of milk teeth (in children).

Treat Fangs from Now on!

Having problems with canines will certainly disturb and reduce the beauty of your smile. So, let's take care of your dental health from now on. To maintain and care for dental health, including canines, do the following tips:

1. Routine brushing teeth

Toothbrush needs to be done 2 times a day, especially after every meal and before going to bed. To brush your teeth, use a toothbrush with soft bristles and a small part of the head to reach all parts of the tooth, including between the canines.

2. Choosing the right toothpaste

Generally, a good toothpaste for cleaning teeth is toothpaste that contains flouride. This substance serves to harden and strengthen the protective layer or tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay.

3. Clean teeth with dental floss

Cleaning your teeth by brushing it is apparently not enough, you know. To clean teeth better, it is necessary to clean teeth with dental floss, at least once a day.

4. Avoid foods and drinks that can damage teeth

To maintain strength and healthy teeth, limit the consumption of foods or drinks that are too sweet or sour. This is because foods or drinks that contain high sugar or acid can damage tooth enamel and cause cavities.

5. Chew gum

Chewing sugar-free gum can also be a simple way to care for teeth. By chewing gum, the remaining food that may be stuck in the teeth can be lifted and the production of saliva, which is useful for cleaning the acid attached to the teeth can be increased. In addition, you also need to provide enough fluids by drinking plenty of water to clean the remaining dirt left between the sidelines and the surface of the teeth, including canines. As much as possible, avoid the habit of using teeth to bite hard objects, such as opening bottles or opening food packages. In addition to following the tips above, maintaining dental health also needs to be done routinely check teeth to the dentist, at least every 6 months. This dental examination aims to detect problems in the teeth early, so they can be treated immediately.

List of Healthy Fatty Foods

Eating fatty foods is needed to meet the energy intake for the body. However, eating too much fatty food can actually increase calorie levels which cause weight gain. Fat has a crucial role for anyone who wants to go on a healthy diet. Fats contain essential fatty acids that are able to maintain healthy skin, become a source of energy, and help manage vitamins that are soluble in fat. In general, fat is divided into saturated fat, unsaturated fat, and trans fat. Good fats for the body are known as unsaturated fats consisting of single and double unsaturated fats. It is advisable to consume the types of foods that contain unsaturated fat to taste every day. Meanwhile, consumption of saturated fats and trans fatty acids must always be limited. This restriction aims to avoid the danger of high cholesterol, clogged arteries, and heart disease.

Healthy Fatty Food Menu as a Daily Diet Menu

Fatty food is not entirely bad. You can get the benefits through the consumption of unsaturated fatty foods or fats to maintain good health. Eating unsaturated fatty foods is part of a healthy diet that is believed to be able to balance cholesterol levels. One type of diet is the Mediterranean diet. A study found that eating foods that are rich in good fats, such as fish, vegetable oils, and nuts, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Foods with unsaturated fat can help the absorption of vitamins and make the stomach more full.

    List of foods with monounsaturated fat

    This type of good fat can be found in certain types of oils and foods, including:
  • Avocado
  • Vegetable oil
  • Nuts, such as peanuts, cashews, pecans and almonds. This includes real peanut butter.
  • List of foods with polyunsaturated fats

    Not difficult to find types of foods that contain polyunsaturated fats. Usually, polyunsaturated fats can be found in oils derived from plants. Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat. Omega-3 is thought to be very beneficial for heart health. Not only does it reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, omega-3 can stabilize the heart's work and reduce blood pressure. Omega-3 can be obtained from salmon, sardines, and mackerel. The following is a list of foods that contain polyunsaturated fats, including:
  • Know.
  • Soft or liquid butter.
  • Grains and nuts, such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and walnuts.
  • Soy sauce made from soybeans.
  • Vegetable oils, such as corn oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, canola oil and sunflower oil.

Meet the Need for Unsaturated Fat Consumption for Health

Unsaturated fats are needed to reduce blood pressure, increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good fats, and reduce bad fats or triglycerides. Meet the needs of unsaturated fats by eating types of foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids which are effective in preventing strokes and heart disease. Healthy fats are also thought to help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Eating fatty foods that contain enough unsaturated fat is believed to reduce the dependence of corticosteroid treatment for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Meanwhile, fatty foods that are rich in omega-6 content are believed to maintain heart health. The types of fatty foods that contain omega-6 fatty acids and linoleic acid are corn oil, soybeans, walnuts, and sunflower seeds. Do not forget to always consult the nutritional adequacy rate with a doctor or a licensed nutritionist in order to get the ideal dose according to your health conditions.

Symptoms and Treatment of Stage 4 Brain Cancer

It is important for you to know the symptoms and treatment of brain cancer, especially those who have entered stage 4. Stage 4 brain cancer that is not treated immediately can threaten the lives of sufferers. The stage or severity of the cancer is a picture of the growth of cancer cells and the extent of their spread. In stage 4 brain cancer, cancer cells grow aggressively and massively, almost all of the cells are already abnormally shaped, and their spread is generally quite extensive and even spreads to parts outside the brain, such as the spine.

Symptoms that accompany Stage 4 Brain Cancer

Symptoms that can be found in stage 4 brain cancer are severe headaches that occur permanently or repeatedly. For example, sufferers can experience headaches that are so painful for weeks and are difficult to disappear despite taking pain medication, such as paracetamol, aspirin, or ibuprofen. In addition to severe headaches, stage 4 brain cancer can also be accompanied by symptoms such as:
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Muscle weakening, so that body movement becomes limited
  • Lost balance
  • Convulsions
  • Blurred vision
  • Difficult to talk
  • Memory loss
  • Hallucinations
  • Lost consciousness

Management of Stage 4 Brain Cancer

Stage 4 brain cancer will generally be difficult to cure. However, prompt and appropriate treatment can reduce complaints and slow the growth of cancer cells. Some types of medical treatment that can be done to treat stage 4 brain cancer are:

1. Operation

In some cases, surgery can be performed to treat stage 4 brain cancer. Surgical procedures are performed by opening the skull (craniotomy) and removing a malignant tumor lodged in the brain.

2. Radiotherapy

Radiotherapy is usually done after a stage 4 brain cancer patient has surgery. Radiotherapy aims to kill cancer cells that may still remain, and slow the growth of cancer cells that cannot be removed in surgery.

3. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is done by administering anticancer drugs to patients, both in the form of tablets or injections. The aim is to kill and destroy cancer cells that are lodged in the brain. For the results of chemotherapy to be effective, administration of the drug must be done regularly.

4. Target therapy

Almost the same as chemotherapy, target therapy also uses drugs to inhibit the growth and development of cancer cells. But the difference is that this therapy directly targets abnormal cells that are lodged in the brain, without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue. In addition, target therapy generally aims to inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells, not kill them. That is information about the symptoms of stage 4 brain cancer and some treatments that can be done to overcome them. You need to remember, brain cancer that is known from an early age will increase the chances of recovery. Therefore, if you feel you are experiencing symptoms of brain cancer, especially if you experience persistent and increasingly severe headaches, don't hesitate to see a doctor immediately.
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